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Important Court Cases/Amelia Roach & Cyndy Nguyen

May 25, 2012

From → Court Cases

  1. I like how it was organized into different court cases with the different sources next to each case
    -Tal Davidi

  2. I like the organizations and the explantation of each court case. It was clear and consise
    Noah Braunstein

  3. I like the info and how you layed everything out
    -Sarah Kowal

  4. The information is structured very neatly. The descriptions of each court case are both brief and informative. Nice job!

    Kushi Ranganath

  5. This Information is good and made thuroughly.

    Lia Ajose

  6. I LOVE it, it is organized, very creative, and informative!!!
    Katrin Gubin

  7. This was organized and really well done!
    -Dimitri Pappas

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